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Claremont Colleges

Situated near the San Gabriel Mountains and Los Angeles are the five undergraduate colleges of the Claremont Consortium: Pomona, ClaremontMcKenna, HarveyMudd, Scripps, and Pitzer. Modeled after Oxford University, each of the five highly selective liberal arts schools has a unique focus and character but shares resources – creating a larger campus experience. Students can take advantage of academic classes, social

activities, dining halls, libraries, and other events across all five institutions.

The colleges pride themselves on small class sizes and hands-on experience. For example, students can collaboratewith professors on groundbreaking research in Harvey Mudd's labs, participate in social justice initiatives at Pitzer, or attend Claremont McKenna’s Ath programming, which (four times aweek during the academic year) creates opportunities to interact with scholars, corporate leaders, public figures, and artists.


'Youth are not vessels to be filled but fires to be lit.' – Plutarch

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